1) Homeowners may not fully understand what all Property Managers do.
The number one response from landlords when asked if they would consider hiring a property manager, is majority will say they "don't want to hire someone who only collects rent, when I can do it myself". But what landlords do not realize is that property managers do so much more, and people don't always trust what they don't know. UPM wouldbe happy to not only advise on the legal documents required to protect you and your property, and what to do when you receive a 2:00 am phone call when the HVAC has gone out, or even what to do when your tenant stops paying rent and you can't get a hold of them, but instead.. wouldn't it be easier if we could demonstrate how much weight we can relieve from your shoulders?
2) Landlords may feel they can save money.
Everyone wants an additional income stream, and property management can certainly provide this. But it can be pretty risky if you do not know what you are doing. Simple oopsies or even one mistake can cost you big time, and you may end up with a burden instead of an investment property. UPM has been in the business for over 15 years. Our team are licensed brokers and we know the correct, legal and methodical way for all possible scenarios to provide a seamless, stress-free management while keeping your dollar amount in mind.
Did you know that property management fees are actually tax deductible? So save your time and save your money, and leverage it to the pro's.
3) Landlords manage rental properties as a hobby.
People in general love to have and "own" their hobbies. While managing your own rental may be a rewarding hobby, managing properties is much different then swimming or hiking. Managing properties is a full time job and a job where you will need to be available 24/7. When managing rentals are steady and looking positive, the DIY landlord may seem to be the way to go, but keep in mind that when something goes wrong, it is best to let the experts take over before you are caught in a downward spiral. Not to mention, if an emergency comes up, our emergency team is available 24/7 at all hours of the night.
If your mind is still made-up and you prefer to continue to managing your own rental property, we encourage you to do so! It can be very rewarding! UPM also has a service specific for the DIY landlord. Its called our LEASE ONLY service. Go to our pricing page to find out more on saving you time and energy by letting us show your home and find the most qualified tenants for your rental. It's the least we can do. https://www.ultimaterentalhomes.com/pricing